Wednesday, 29 June 2016

How to be a successful model

  • Confidence. Clients are looking for someone who is confident and can sell a product convincingly. If you're not naturally confident, consider using one of the many self-help books or CDs available that can help you to build up self-confidence. To renew your confidence in your looks, remind yourself of compliments you've received from others. 
  • A 'thick skin'. You must be able to handle the rejection that every model faces, while still putting yourself forward whenever there's a chance of getting the job. You can't expect to meet the expectations of every client. Try to think, 'It's good if I get the job, but if they don't want my look I won't feel bad about it'.
  • Stamina. A model needs to be fit and healthy so they can work all day and still look good at the end of it. Maintain a healthy diet and work out at least three times a week. If you can't afford a gym, walking and running are great exercises that anyone can do. If you're too busy to exercise, build exercise into your daily routine by walking to work or to the shops. 
  • Independence. Professional models may have to travel often, so you need an independent spirit and a self-starting attitude. You'll need to get yourself up in the morning and make sure you arrive at the job on time and ready to perform. You also need to be comfortable if you need to be by yourself for long periods.
  • Organisation. You need to be well organised in order to keep track of the dates, times and locations of your castings and appointments. Keep a paper diary with you or use one of the many online tools available to enter and edit your appointments. Keep all your papers in a single safe and secure location. 
  • Willpower. Working models can't afford to indulge in drink, drugs or partying. You must have the will power to say NO. An agency will drop a model very quickly if it becomes clear that his or her lifestyle could affect her work - or the agency's reputation. 
  • Availability and responsiveness. Make sure it's easy for agencies to get in touch with you if they need to. When you have a confirmed job, communicate with the photographer/agency as much as you can, and answer their queries as quickly as possible.
  • Fashion. Keep up with the latest styles and clothing trends, particularly those that suit your looks and style. Keep your portfolio updated with shots that use recent looks.
  • Persistence. This is perhaps the most important attribute of all. It takes a lot of work to be a professional model! It's no good waiting for work to come to you - you need the get-up-and-go attitude of someone who sets goals and goes after them. As George Bernard Shaw said, 'The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.'


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

How Does Your Fashion Sense Rank?

What to you is good or bad fashion sense?

This question I have been asked many times before by people, regarding my fashion sense and in general on fashion.
In this article I am going to give some examples of fashion and you can make your mind up what is good or bad.

Do not let others dictate what is good or bad fashion sense to you, it is a preference in your mind’s eye no one else’s.

Today the internet and magazines are over saturated with what celebrities and other trend-setters believe is top fashion and what not good fashion sense is.

As we all know everyone’s choice is different and that’s what makes us who we are.

Mens Fashion Sense
Above you will see a young man dressed in casual but smart clothing. To me I like this for everyday wear but not for office work in the big cities. This is to be for, in my opinion for meeting friends or maybe going out for a drink or meal with close friends. The first shot is a good mix of casual, for example the jeans and trainers mixed successfully with a shirt and a V-neck jumper so it looks smart but casual as well. 

This would be good for lunch time meet with friends or a drink or two in town. The second photo is a good example of a day off look with the low neck T-shirt with jeans and a green casual jacket and meeting friends with not a lot going on in the day. The third is really smart and the Jacket pulls of the total casual look but pulling off a smart look. This to me is a going out look but something like going to the gym before work or meeting friends. All three to me would come in the casual day off look without anything important going on. But you may pull off meetings with the first photo depending on how it looks on you.

Mens Smart Casual Fashio Sense
In this photo I found you will see a man dressed in a suit with no tie. This is a smart look but it also says ‘casual’ as well just because he has taken the tie from the picture. This seems to be a look for a day in the office in the big city but also a look to be going out for an important meeting as well as going out for a meal out in town with a loved one or with friends or colleagues. I like this look myself and the colour is what makes this suit. 

The sunglasses with the suit makes it look like this person is a well to do person and sends a message look at me but in a good way. If you look around you can find a decent suit for a reasonable price as well. Please don’t think you have to spend a fortune on a three or two piece suit. I bought a two piece suit for about £70 and it was not a top brand. It was bought from a local high street shop in my town. To be fare you can go to places like Primark, Burtons, Tesco’s and Sainsbury’s for a decent looking suit. But to be honest you will have to look around first but don’t just take the first choice you find unless it calls out.

This is just a few men’s wear that ore out there and don’t have to cost a lot for the buyer. 
What else we will look at is smart and casual wear for women
Womens Smart Casual Fashion Sense
This suit for a woman is smart and to me says posh too. It appears to be fore an office job in the city or for an interview. With the necklace it pulls off the look of office or maybe Layer maybe but that’s just my thoughts. It is the sort of suit you would wear for your day job in the office. 

With the black heeled shoes and the black necklace it smart to the hilt. I like this look as at can give you another look to who you actually are. I would think that you would have to actually dress this suit down to be able to wear it for meals and drinks with friends or loved ones maybe at weekends or at nights. If you was going out at night you would not wear this but actually wear a dress to go to dinner or theatre.

What else we will look at is a casual look but smart dress sense for females but don’t take it literal as this is just a guide and my opinion. 

Womens Casual Fashion Sense
Here we have a casual look but smart at the same time and the colouring just calls out WOW in my eyes. It is the sort of dress wear you would put on for a dinner out with friends or family even a loved one but also it could be something you wear in the office and drinks afterwards. So in my eyes this has three functions in a daily life of a woman. 

The colours of this is a mix of plain then colour that gives it a kick to say smart am I, look at me but not in a way of attention seeking. It is smart look for going out drinking and meals with friends but also it has a look as if ‘I have just finished work and not had time to change’. If you can’t afford this look I bet you could go around high street shops and find something just as good or even better and half the price as well.

What do you think is good fashion sense?